Allsup At 40: Pioneering SSDI Advocacy With Over 400,000 Successful Customers
I started this business 40 years ago because I had witnessed Social Security disability claimants break down in tears at my desk. They needed help. In that government system, I was unable to help. I could not act on the compassion I felt for them.
This feeling stayed with me. In fact, it never left. It made me determined to solve the issues of American workers with disabilities. I brought my compassion and passion to these complex challenges and other compassionate experts joined me. Together, we worked from outside the federal government to make changes within it.
Along the way, we discovered many other problems for U.S. workers when they encountered a disability, including the need for help going back to work.
I’m proud to have played a role in the creation of the Ticket to Work Program in 1999, and excited that our division, Allsup Employment Services, has been helping to raise awareness of this return-to-work assistance for the last decade.
We’ve accomplished a lot, but there is so much more to be done. The world continues to change and Allsup is evolving with it; we’ll continue to develop innovations that lead the way. Many people have yet to understand the incredible value of the combined SSDI and Ticket to Work benefit. We won’t quit until this program becomes the economic engine Congress always intended it to be.
As I look toward our future, I see the opportunity for those with disabilities to live better lives through improved technology and medical advances. We’re on the cusp of an evolution in the world of work and disability – and Allsup is at the forefront.
Allsup & 40 Years of Navigating
SSDI Challenges Together
For more than four decades, Allsup has driven innovation by creating empowering solutions for individuals with disabilities and workers nationwide, leading them to more financially secure lives that are as healthy as possible. Here is a look through our 40-year history.

1980s: Building The First Nationwide SSDI Company
The 80s were marked by an economic recession. Jim Allsup, drawing on his experience at the Social Security Administration (SSA), knew individuals with disabilities were among the hardest hit by the downturn. He traveled extensively by car, passionately advocating for his vision of nationwide SSDI representation services. This vision inspired him to create a new kind of company, focused on helping individuals with chronic health conditions to access the life-changing benefits they have earned throughout their careers. Allsup became the first national, non-attorney provider of SSDI representation services. Jim’s innovative approach not only pioneered a new industry but also reshaped the landscape of federal disability benefits for U.S. workers.

1990s: Rough And Tumble
In the post-Cold War decade, Jim was waging his own personal battle to keep his company in business. His old employer, the SSA, said he couldn’t offer his services in the private sector. Jim disagreed. When he was not on the defensive, he could be found on Capitol Hill.
Jim’s straightforward, no nonsense style has been perfect for testifying before Congress on the priorities that affect American workers. His 1999 testimony significantly changed the landscape of federal disability benefits. Jim advocated for the potential of Social Security trust fund solvency through the role of vocational rehabilitation for SSDI beneficiaries. This testimony was instrumental in the enactment of the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999. The legislation established the Ticket to Work (TTW) Program, which provides substantial assistance for U.S. workers with disabilities, helping them return to work once they achieve medical stability or recover.

2000s: Incorporating And Evolving With New Technology
The decade of the 2000s saw significant technological advancements for Jim’s company. Recognizing the importance of the Internet, Jim envisioned a strategic expansion through its use. His aim for the company’s online presence was straightforward – to inform people about our services and explain why they are essential.
Allsup conducted a sweeping revamp of its primary website, Allsup.com, and added many specialized sites to better serve its diverse customer base. These included the Allsup Medicare Advisor, a Medicare plan selection service that allowed customers to choose the right healthcare coverage went online, as did AllsupCares.com, for healthcare professionals, AllsupInsider.com for Social Security Administration professionals, and Allsup Place℠ for Allsup customers to access their account online. Each site targeted a specific audience, collectively they allow communication to all audiences, relaying the value Allsup offers to each sector. While the platforms have evolved, their core purpose remains unchanged. Allsup continues to expand its strong Internet presence, as a critical component in the company’s ongoing success.

2010s: Diversification Of Products And Services
The 10’s were a decade of diversification at Allsup. Jim and his team created new concepts and applied them to existing products and service lines. A veteran himself, Jim is sensitive to the needs of our service members. He created Allsup Veterans Disability Appeal Service® to help veterans get VA disability benefits and/or a higher disability rating. In his efforts to improve on the SSA’s disability application process, Jim offered empower by Allsup®, a proprietary online platform to help customers easily complete their SSDI application and learn more about returning to work. And for the best return-to-work help, Allsup Employment Services (AES) came into being. Jim established AES as a Social Security-authorized Employment Network to offer U.S. workers assistance with the Ticket to Work Program. In addition, building on the history of Allsup Medicare Advisor, Jim created Allsup Benefits Coordination service highlighting Allsup’s health insurance expertise for employers and their workers.

Today: An Eye Toward The Future Of Allsup
Four decades later, Jim continues to problem solve. He understands that while people wait for the SSA to make a decision on their disability claim, their bills are piling up. That’s why he created Disability Financial Solutions® making Allsup the only nationwide representative that helps with Social Security disability benefits plus offers services to help manage financial challenges. As Jim looks toward the future, the CEO and Founder focuses on leading the industry with ongoing innovations, while identifying more helpful products and services beneficial for U.S. workers and the disability community at key turning points in their lives. Jim is passionate about making sure every American worker understands the value of the combined SSDI and Ticket to Work benefit. He will continue working until that becomes a readily available reality.
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Visit sections including Our Story, Our History, Leadership and Careers for more about Allsup and our mission to make a difference.