We can help you plan for and navigate changes in your health insurance coverage. Without the right information, it can be difficult to evaluate which healthcare options and plans fit into your budget and are best suited to your personal needs. We’re here to guide you through the process and make your choice easier.
Get Help Understanding Your Options
We make it easy to evaluate your health plan options, which may include COBRA, Marketplace or Medicare plan options.
Choosing healthcare coverage is an important decision that impacts your health, finances and lifestyle. But without help, it can be confusing and frustrating to understand which options or combination of coverage will work best for your personal healthcare needs and budget.
Allsup Benefits Coordination is a personalized service. Our knowledgeable specialists work closely with you and will:
Assess your specific needs including healthcare requirements, your doctors, prescriptions and budget.
Identify available Marketplace or Medicare plans in your local area that best fit your specific needs.
Help you understand the complex issues of these plans, for example, Medicare enrollment periods and coordinating benefits when you’re still working.
Review and assistance understanding rules for eligibility that will factor into your personal health plan comparison and choices.
Provide enrollment assistance in the plan of your choice, when possible.
Serve as a resource should your health insurance needs change in the future.
Consider Cost & Convenience
Health insurance is an important benefit. Making a less than optimal choice in coverage can be costly, which could result in thousands of dollars of unnecessary out-of-pocket expenses. Allsup Benefits Coordination could help you save on healthcare costs by ensuring you’ve been able to compare the range of plans in your area to find the one that’s right for you.
Allsup Benefits Coordination removes the hassle and burden of understanding your health insurance options on your own. The guidance you receive means:
- No more sorting through endless stacks of plan brochures and applications to compare plans
- No more stress about navigating the process alone
- No more headaches trying to understand complex insurance terms
- No more wondering if you could find lower-cost options
Health Insurance FAQs
If you haven’t found the information you’re looking for, it might be available in our Q&A section. Find more details about the Allsup Benefits Coordination service and how it works.

Ready For Personalized Healthcare Help?
Get started with Allsup Benefits Coordination by contacting us at healthinsuranceservices@allsup.com or call (866) 521-7655