October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month

October marks the 77th anniversary of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) – a time to celebrate the numerous contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. Organizations and advocates for people with disabilities come together throughout the month to inform and educate the public about disability employment issues.
Allsup Employment Services® (AES) is at the forefront of this historic initiative with its return-to-work services. As a Social Security-approved Employment Network and subsidiary of Allsup, the AES team helps people receiving disability benefits (SSDI) take advantage of Social Security’s Ticket to Work (TTW) program.
Individuals with disabilities are relieved when, after months or even years waiting, they learn that their Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits have been approved. In addition, many would like to eventually return to work if they are medically able.
This is one of the motivational aspects of the SSDI program – having free assistance to return to work, when it’s an option. Diane Winiarski, AES director, explains, “That’s exactly what the TTW program does. It enables people to work again without losing their SSDI benefits or vital Medicare coverage. Our experts know every aspect of this program and can make your transition back to work easier and less stressful. We have access to resources that help with your job search, help you choose a different career path if necessary.”
A frequently asked question is, “Will I lose my benefits if I go back to work?” Here’s the important news: The TTW program is designed to provide up to seven years of benefits protection while you are working. Plus, an Employment Network like AES handles all the required communications with Social Security on your progress, so you can focus on working.
For more information about Ticket to Work, join the United Spinal Association for a webinar, “Career and Benefit Panel Discussion” featuring Diane Winiarski and three other panelists. This free event will be held Tuesday, Oct. 18, at 3 p.m. ET and will touch on careers post-spinal cord injuries and Social Security’s Ticket to Work program.