July Is Disability Pride Month: Americans With Disability Act Marks 33rd Anniversary
Major cities throughout the country are commemorating the 33rd anniversary of the passage of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) and Disability Pride Month with parades and celebrations. On July 26, 1990, this landmark legislation was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush. The law protects the rights of those individuals with disabilities by prohibiting discrimination, requiring employers to provide reasonable accommodations and imposing accessibility requirements in public settings.
Every July, since this significant legislation was passed, organizations championing the rights of people with disabilities celebrate Disability Pride Month. Groups such as the Valuable 500 and The Arc are just a few that are doing their part to raise awareness about people with disabilities – their value, needs and rights.
A symbol of this month is the Disability Pride flag, which was designed in 2019 and updated in 2021 to represent diversity in the disability community.
The colors represent different disabilities, while black commemorates those who have died.
- Red: Physical disabilities.
- Gold: Neurodiversity.
- White: Invisible and undiagnosed disabilities.
- Blue: Emotional and psychiatric disabilities.
- Green: Sensory disabilities.
“For nearly 40 years, Allsup has advocated for people with disabilities by providing vital services to help them apply for and receive disability benefits and return to work through Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program. We are honored to celebrate Disability Pride Month and do our part to support the rights of individuals with disabilities,” said T.J. Geist, Allsup principal advocate.
Allsup’s experienced representatives have helped over 375,000 people receive the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits they earned while working. Our success rate is 97% for eligible applicants who complete the SSDI process with our team. While they await approval, customers can receive help through Allsup’s new service, Disability Financial SolutionsSM , which offers access to essential financial resources.
Help with SSDI Claims and Appeals
If you or someone you know has a disability, learn more about Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). For more information about eligibility, applying for SSDI benefits or filing your appeal if you were denied, visit FileSSDI.Allsup.com or call 1-800-678-3276.
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