National Cancer Survivors Day Is June 5
By Tai of Allsup
There are nearly 14.5 million people living with and beyond cancer in the U.S., according to the National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation (NCSDF).
Sunday, June 5, is the 29th annual National Cancer Survivors Day®.
The annual celebration is held the first Sunday in June and is an opportunity to raise awareness of the challenges survivors face.
“When most people hear the word ‘cancer,’ they automatically think the worst,” said Laura Shipp, foundation spokesperson, in a press release about the event. “But the truth is that more people are living longer and better quality lives after cancer than ever before.”
The day raises awareness about the hardships for cancer survivors and their loved ones. “These include not just physical side effects,” Shipp said, “but also psychological, social, and emotional distress, as well as significant financial hardships.”
A study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that growing medical costs, missed work and reduced productivity significantly impact U.S. cancer survivors.
For individuals with cancer and cancer survivors who must stop working, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is an important resource.
SSDI Helps with Finances
The average monthly SSDI payment in 2016 is $1,166, and $1,983 for those with dependents. Filing for SSDI also can help cancer survivors protect their retirement income by "freezing" their Social Security earnings records during their period of disability. This means those years of little or no earnings won’t count when calculating your retirement benefits.
SSDI Helps with Healthcare
Regardless of age, 24 months after the date of cash entitlement to SSDI benefits, SSDI recipients are eligible for Medicare, which includes hospital (Part A) and medical (Part B) benefits.
SSDI Helps with Re-employment
When and if they are able to re-enter the workforce, cancer survivors who receive SSDI are also eligible for Social Security's Ticket to Work program, which includes employment counseling and other supports.
Allsup Helps with SSDI Screening And Representation
Cancer patients and survivors who have not been able to work or anticipate not being able to work for 12 months or more may be eligible for SSDI benefits. Request a complimentary evaluation at or by calling (800) 678-3276.
Find True Help® During June 16 Web Event
Cancer can take a psychological toll.
Fortunately, many organizations offer resources and programs that help with mental health needs. Whether you are a cancer survivor, or someone living with a chronic illness or disability, please join me on Thursday, June 16, at noon (CST) for “True Help Claiming Power to Improve Your Mental Health.”
Experts in the fields of mental health, social work, employment and chronic illness will be available to answer your questions and show you innovative programs designed to empower and improve your quality of life.
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