Allsup Customers – Please Be Aware of More Phone, Email Scams

We are asking all of our customers to please be aware that sophisticated and aggressive telephone, email and technology-based scams continue to increase.
The Federal Trade Commission has been reporting on the growth in imposter scams since last year. This type of scam is now No. 1, followed by fraud, debt collection and identity theft scams.
While many of these scams share similarities, all of them require that you pay more attention to communications you receive, including phone calls, emails, voice messages, etc. This will help you distinguish between fraudulent and legitimate communications from those you trust.
Imposter scams are those in which someone poses as an official federal agency or business. They may do this by changing the caller ID or email you see to indicate they are from a reputable number or organization that you would typically trust. This could include federal agencies you have a relationship with, such as the Social Security Administration or U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, as well as companies such as Allsup.
One way you can protect yourself is to ensure that you contact Allsup directly with information pertinent to your disability claim or Ticket to Work activity.
If you wish to verify a caller is from Allsup, you may ask the caller to provide you with information that only you know has been provided to us. Or, you may simply hang up and call our Customer Service department directly. Here is our contact information.
For more consumer protection information, visit
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