Consistency & Community Matters: Brain Injury Awareness Month

By Maureen Cunningham, Executive Director of Brain Injury Association of Missouri
Life can be like a four-legged stool for brain injury survivors and their network of family and friends, care providers and community resources. The severe injury affects each leg of the stool. There is stability when all four legs are involved and supportive, but if more than one of those legs becomes unavailable or weakened, it can result in a steady decline.
Individuals living with brain injury deal with handling a “new normal” of life. Their loved ones are their support when it comes to strength from love, memories and daily assistance. In addition, professional care providers are vital to their well-being and recovery because they offer care options, as well as information on life changes and challenges relative to the brain injury and its impact.
Community resources, like Brain Injury Association of Missouri, give added stability by helping survivors adjust to life with brain injury and spreading awareness through public educational opportunities. BIA-MO accepts referrals from professional care providers who want their patients, clients and consumers to have access to additional support.
Each of us are part of the “life with brain injury” stool. This Brain Injury Awareness Month, it’s important to remain consistent when it comes to care and support for survivors of brain injury through active involvement.
For more information, call BIA-MO at 1-800-444-6443 or email
Editor’s note: Allsup helps individuals living with traumatic brain injuries and other disabilities apply for SSDI and return to work.
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