Allsup Reaches 325,000 Customers Approved For Disability Insurance Benefits

Just as the Social Security Administration is turning a new corner with its new Commissioner Andrew Saul, Allsup is turning our own corner. We have now successfully helped more than 325,000 customers to receive their earned Social Security Disability Insurance benefits.
The Allsup team is pleased to have reached another mile marker in our history of helping former workers access their Social Security disability benefits, through the SSDI claims process, which is often difficult, stressful and draining.
Our disability team has been committed to providing expert representation, especially when former workers with disabilities first apply for disability benefits. They have the best opportunity for receiving approval and avoiding the cumbersome appeals and hearing process—if they can get approved with their application.
We’re also pleased to offer an easy experience with our online tool, empower by Allsup®, which helps thousands of individuals nationwide learn of their likelihood of being eligible for SSDI. Becoming sick with a severe illness or being severely injured is a devastating experience, and worsened with the financial trauma of no longer being able to work.
With Allsup and, customers can access a wide range of resources that allow them to learn how to reclaim their lives. Services include determining SSDI eligibility and disability representation, return to work support, veterans disability appeals, and healthcare insurance assistance.
One key benefit that more former workers are accessing is the ability to attempt a return to work while their SSDI and Medicare benefits are protected by the Ticket to Work program. We assist with this process through Allsup Employment Services, which is our Social Security Administration-approved Employment Network.
Thank you to the hundreds of thousands of people who counted on Allsup to help them reach success with their disability claim. We are actively working on helping the next successful customers to receive the disability benefits that they earned while working, on average 22 years during their careers — right now.
Find more information about how to apply for disability benefits with expert help, or returning to work with a disability, at
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