United Spinal’s Pathways to Employment Hosts “Future Work” Event Thursday, Oct. 29
By Abby Ross, COO of United Spinal Association
United Spinal Association’s Pathways to Employment (PTE) Program is designed to support the pursuit of job opportunities for people with spinal cord injuries and disorders (SCI/D).
PTE provides access to resources for people who want to return to work. This can include information about benefits, transitioning to employment, how-to guides, and guidance on removing barriers to employment and access to peer mentors who have successfully returned to work after injury or diagnosis.
Join us Thursday, Oct. 29, at 2 p.m. ET for our first “Future of Work” event. This workplace inclusion event will be focused around shared ideas directly from those with disabilities.
Community members will propose game-changing workplace solutions that solve barriers to work or workplace complications that keep individuals in wheelchairs from employment (at all, full-time, or leadership positions).
Register for the event here and submit a solution here.
PTE also supports employers interested in ensuring that people with disabilities are represented in their workforce by providing guidance and resources in recruitment, onboarding and accommodations through trainings and distributing job opportunities to our national network of members and 50 chapters.
This program gives individuals the opportunity to:
- Interact with someone who has successfully adjusted to working with a disability
- Development an employment plan
- Prepare for job interviews
- Learn self-advocacy skills
- Acquire reasonable accommodations
Our PTE webpage also features educational webinars and podcasts, a step by step guide to navigate the return to work process and a brand-new video library featuring short informational videos on topics such as Positive Support for Job Interviews, How to Write a Functional Resume and Fears of Returning to Work with a Disability.
Learn more at unitedspinal.org.