Cervical Health Awareness and SSDI

In January, cervical cancer survivors and community advocates across the nation join together in recognition of Cervical Health Awareness Month. They work to spread the word about the disease which, according to the American Cancer Society, is expected to affect over 13,000 women in 2020.
Women who are between 35 and 44 years of age are most likely to be impacted by cervical cancer. Common red flags include fatigue, weight loss, nausea and heavy vaginal bleeding, although it’s also common for no symptoms to occur. The disease is curable if diagnosed and treated early, which is why it’s crucial to address the importance of regular Pap tests and screening for women.
Being diagnosed with a serious medical condition like cervical cancer can be scary and overwhelming. The diagnosis can bring mental and physical challenges, and disclosing to loved ones may be a priority. Then, there’s working with a medical team to find the best individualized comprehensive treatment, which may involve surgery, chemotherapy, or other forms of medical care. The outcome may lead to a sobering reality: your inability to continue working, in addition to mounting medical bills.
This is when applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) can work in your favor. Here’s why:
SSDI Provides Economic Relief to Former Workers with Severe Illnesses or Injuries
Disability benefits are designed by the Social Security Administration to financially support individuals with chronic illnesses or injuries that make it impossible for them to maintain employment. Those who are eligible must have worked five out of the last 10 years and paid Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) taxes. To qualify, candidates must also be between 21 and 67 years of age with an illness or injury that’s so debilitating, it keeps them from working for at least one year or results in death.
Having Allsup Expert Representation Increases the Likelihood of Receiving Benefits by 50%
Applying for SSDI means you are likely to be denied benefits; the initial approval rate is only 35% for applicants. Fortunately, women who’ve been diagnosed with cervical cancer can work closely with a knowledgeable disability representative like Allsup who can diligently navigate the complicated and timely application process. Skilled disability specialists at Allsup.com help you complete your claim to be reviewed by the SSA.
You Can Return to Work While Maintaining Disability Benefits
The SSA established the Ticket To Work program to help SSDI beneficiaries who are looking for re-entry into the workforce. Employment Networks, such as Allsup Employment Services (AES), are hired by the SSA to help those with disabilities return to work. AES can be an invaluable resource for you, if you have been able to stabilize your disability and your health, and allow you to explore returning to work while protecting your SSDI benefits.
Visit our eligibility page on Allsup.com, take our free online assessment, or call (800) 678-3276 to learn more about filing a claim for SSDI benefits. You may also visit our introduction to SSDI page to learn more about what is needed to qualify for Social Security disability. If you would like to learn how you can to work while on SSDI visit AllsupEmploymentServices.com to begin the process.
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